Legal notice

Name of company
Ashworth Bailey Limited


Company Number



Country of registration

England and Wales


Registered office
20a Racecommon Road
Barnsley S70 1BH


Contact details
Tel: 01226 203611
Fax: 01226 246553


VAT no.
404 7267 63


Regulatory authority
Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.


Office hours

Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm

Friday 8.30am to 3pm


Ashworth Bailey Limited

Chartered Certified Accountants

20a Racecommon Road

Barnsley S70 1BH


Tel: 01226 203611

Fax: 01226 246553 (please note that fax only available Monday to Thursday 8.30am to 5pm)


News and Information

Click HERE for current staff vacancies

Making an appointment

You can contact us on the following telephone number if you have any queries or wish to make an appointment:


Tel: 01226 203611


Alternatively, please use our contact form.


The first consultation is FREE.

Find us in the ACCA Register

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© Ashworth Bailey Limited